Join APHA members, Affiliates and other advocates in educating members of Congress on important public health issues that help build and maintain healthy communities. Reach out to your congressional leaders to express support for protecting critical funding for public health agencies and the Prevention and Public Health Fund, addressing the health impacts of climate change and protecting the Affordable Care Act. When we all raise our voices together, our leaders in Congress are more likely to listen!
Public Health ACTion Campaign South Dakota
Public health funding: Strong investments in public health allow a state to carry out programs that improve
health. South Dakota receives $33.98 per person in funding from CDC (4th in the nation) and $35.34 per person
from HRSA (13th in the nation). The Prevention and Public Health Fund has awarded over $16 million in grants
to South Dakota since 2010 for community and clinical prevention efforts and improvements to public health
Access to care: 10.2 percent of people in South Dakota do not have health insurance coverage, which is above
the national uninsured rate of 9.4 percent. The number of practicing primary care physicians is also an important
measure of health care availability. South Dakota has 120.2 active primary care physicians per 100,000 people.
Nationally, there are 145.3 practicing primary care physicians per 100,000 people.
Notable health measures
• Drug deaths: While drug deaths have increased 8 percent from 6.1 to 6.6 deaths per 100,000 people in the
past two years, the state boasts the 2nd lowest drug death rate in the nation.
• Air pollution: The state is ranked 5th lowest with an estimated 6.3 micrograms of fine particles per
cubic meter. Reduced exposure to air pollution is important to public health as poor air quality leads to
reduced lung function, increased risk of asthma complications, heart attacks, heart failure and death,
and impacts a large number of people, particularly impacting young children and older adults.
The challenges ahead
• Occupational fatalities: The state has the 6th highest rate of occupational fatalities with 7 deaths per
100,000 workers.
• Infectious diseases: South Dakota has the 9th highest rate of infectious diseases in the nation measured
by incidence rates of chlamydia, pertussis and Salmonella.
• Violent crime: In the past 10 years, violent crime increased 114 percent from 179 to 383 offenses per
100,000 people. Violent crimes may cause injuries, disability and early death. Additionally, violent
crimes may cause long-term stress for families and communities, and interfere with leading a healthy
lifestyle. However, violent crime can be prevented. Numerous programs and practices have shown that
by addressing root causes it is possible to prevent violence.